Listening Handbook

Introducing next month’s free resource

Over the past month I have been working on a series of workbooks which explore different themes whilst offering entry points to activities for care, reflection and prompts for mapping. This month’s theme is Listening.


Who is the handbook for?

This workbook is intended for people looking to gain access to regular care and movement activities. I hope the handbook will be helpful for anyone interested in building a toolkit for reflection. This book is a place for listening, exploring and playing, it can be accessed or used in whichever way suits you best.

What is included in the handbook?

  • Opening thoughts: An introduction & how the handbook can be used.

  • Week 1: A playful dance & movement exercise - inviting you to listen to your body and take up space.

  • Week 2: A mapping activity, allowing space for you to listen inwards and explore writing, drawing and mapping how your mind & body are feeling.

  • Week 3: A guided meditation for listening inward and outward.

  • Week 4: Monthly reflection - prompts and swelling points to reflect on the month.

  • Closing thoughts: An invitation to listen outwards and pointers for social justice resources.

How do I access the handbook?

All you need to do is subscribe to the swole email list below and you will receive the handbook straight in to your inbox at the start of each month.


Sensing, Listening & Swelling


Listening + Grieving