Open Antenatal
LGBTQ+ centred antenatal classes
Join an upcoming course created by and for LGBTQ+ folks to help prepare you for a confident, connected and informed birth.
Connect Mind + Body
Birth Mindset
The Nervous System + Co-regulation
Birth Hormones
Physiology of Birth
Relaxation Tools
We will talk through how mindset impacts the nervous system and how hormones affect birth. i will share your hypnobirthing toolkit - what it is and how to use it.
Co-Create Care Practices
Learn in community
Get your birth team on the same page
Get connected to other expectant parents and gain clarity on birth partners roles and responsibilities so your birth team feel prepared and ready to support you in the way you need.
Develop Advocacy Skills
Decision Making
We will explore your choices, self-advocacy techniques, decision-making tools and discuss intention setting that can offer support in adapting to circumstances.
Reflect on Transition
Postnatal Expectations
Relational Transitions into Parenthood
An introduction to infant feeding
We will have time to reflect and journal on the relational transition to parenthood.

"We are so thankful to have had support from Lilli as we get closer to meeting our baby. They have equipped us with so many wonderful tools to prepare for the birth of our first baby and to advocate for ourselves throughout the process."
What’s included
Building a positive birth mindset
Setting birth intentions
The mind/body connection
The important roles of hormones during birth
What to expect from each stage of labour
How to create a relaxing birth environment wherever you give birth
An intro to your hypnobirthing toolkit - what, how, why and when to use it
Breathing exercises to keep you calm during labour + postpartum
How to write affirmations that work for you
Distraction techniques for labour
Optimal fetal positioning and birth positions
Understanding risk
Different birth pathways - induction + caesarean
Informed consent + decision making framework
Supporting your baby’s womb to world transition eg. from a cozy dark space into the bright chaotic world we live in
An introduction to feeding - hunger cues, techniques, and supporting whatever your feeding journey looks like
Attachment awareness + co-regulation
Birth partners vital roles + responsibilities
Postpartum planning + expectations
Journaling + reflection for your transition to parenthood
Why choose in-person
Meet local LGBTQ+ parents-to-be
In-person real-life practice and demos
Creative reflective exercises and activities
Space to ask questions irl
Small group environment (8 family units maximum)
A printed journal including reflection activities and further learning
Goody bag including tools like a beaded birth line to take home with you
Snacks + tea
Included resources:
Downloadable Hypnobirthing MP3s
Editable birth plan + postnatal plan templates
A range of printable handouts including: the stages of labour, birth partner exercises, birth bag checklist, advocacy phrases, comfort tools/pain relief pros + cons, self-care map template and more
Access to the TBU pre-recorded digital hypnobirthing pack (RRP £45) - 12 hours of antenatal education
Video resource hub - featuring feeding, pregnancy yoga, sling carrying, weaning, and more
Whatsapp group to connect with your new pals
10% off a power hour with lilli to hone in on any topics, ask questions or chat more about birth and/or postpartum.
Ready to invest in your birth experience?

Keep in the Know for Future Classes
More About Me
Hi, i’m lilli, I'm a queer nb full spectrum doula and a hypnobirthing practitioner. i created this course with autonomy, intersectionality, reflection and community in mind.
Hypnobirthing is all about getting informed and building confidence so you can feel empowered in your decision making. Together we explore reframing mindset, bodyful connection and relaxation techniques which you can use throughout pregnancy and postpartum.
The more time you have to practice hypnobirthing techniques the better, so people usually join anywhere from 12 weeks onward. But, don’t worry if you’re joining later in your pregnancy hypnobirthing and antenatal education can always have an impact. If you’re not pregnant yet email me and we can discuss possible ways to take part.
swole approaches hypnobirthing with person-centred care and a deep understanding of how we each come to life transitions with a spectrum of experience, beliefs and barriers. Unlike many other courses my approach is intersectional, expansive, and centres autonomy whilst exploring relational transition.
Hypnobirthing is for all bodies, all births and all birth environments. We’ll discuss options for different birth pathways and what’s available to you in each birth environment. Everyone can benefit from this course as a full antenatal education course embedded with hypnobirthing tools.
If you have a birth partner(s) i recommend them coming along to the sessions so they can also enter the birth space feeling informed, confident and excited to support in the way you need.
i invite up to 8 birthing people and their birthing partner(s) to each course. This means it’s a big enough group to build community but small enough so there’s space for individuals to ask questions and connect.
Select which course pathway you’re looking to join - in person, online or private. Then once you’ve paid your first split payment or the full fee you’re booked onto the course. Feel free to email if you have any questions along the way.
If you’re super busy or struggling to find a course that fits your schedule i also offer 1-1 or small private group courses - if you’re interested in booking reach out via the private booking form.
What people are saying:
“I loved everything about Lilli’s course, it was informative, interesting, reassuring and calming. I loved Lilli’s approach and gentle energy, they creates a safe and comfortable space for those attending and their needs.” – Amy (she/her)
“A joy to go to these sessions! Me and my partner came away every session feeling relaxed and like we were more knowledgeable about the process of birth and with breathing and grounding techniques we could rely on when we needed. Lilli covered everything I think we needed to know, from the importance of consent in your midwifery care (not being coerced into things you don't want), to breathing and grounding techniques, to the various stages of birth and what to expect and how to optimise the conditions for birth (how to get your oxytocin flowing!). We are so grateful for these sessions and everything we learned from them and so thankful as queer pregnant person to have had the support of someone who used truly inclusive language about pregnancy and birth.” – Katie (they/them)
“Lilli brought such a calming and supportive energy to each week’s meeting. I enjoyed that the material covered such a wide range of scenarios and possibilities for different birthing experiences. I loved the balance of information sharing vs. interactive exercises and the overall flow of the sessions was well thought out. They made us feel comfortable to share and ask questions and had quality resources to send us when we had follow up questions.” – Leah (they/her) and Jess (they/them)

Questions? Book a free call to talk
1-1 Offerings
Private Course
Access to 6 hours of bespoke education and 1-1 support tailored to your needs that fits your schedule perfectly. Plus you’ll still get access all the resources folks on the group course get.
Sliding scale £350-380-410
Power Hour
One hour of dedicated conversation, followed by relevant resources.
Sliding scale £20-35-45
More kind words!
“Thank you so much, eternally grateful for the opportunity to have these sessions with you. A lot of the information was stuff we came back to a lot and the prompts of things to discuss were very useful. Still using some of the breathing techniques you showed us even post birth.”
“The information was given in a way that felt very non judgemental/not suggesting there was a right or wrong thing to do or way to feel. Obviously also really enjoyed having a space to talk about birth and pregnancy with someone who wasn't gendering it. Covered a lot of ground in the sessions, so me and my partner both came away feeling very well informed and like we had lots to think about and discuss.”