Social Change Swelling Points
Journaling and mapping prompts for reflecting in times of change
Give yourself permission to dream, imagine and step into curiosity.
What world do I want to orient towards? What does this world feel like? What are we building? What are our collective desires?
How is my role & reality shifting?
What am I learning about myself and others at the moment?
What allows me to welcome change & transformation?
How am I resting?
What am I saying no to, & what does this allow me to say yes to?
Where do I need to set boundaries?
What supports me in finding a personal sense of balance?
How am I speaking to myself & others at the moment?
What/who do I need to connect to right now?
Where do I feel uncomfortability/ rage/hope in my body?
How am I allowing space for vulnerability?
How am I listening & growing?
How can I show up imperfectly?